Saturday, February 28, 2009

basics, but not beyond.

Dear friends and friendettes (and even strangers):

Welcome to the POLYMORPHIC PLASTIC PARADE. If I must explain to you in 1 sentence just what PPP is, I might have to break the rules. I might have to break some brain cells in formulating such a concise, descriptive statement. But in a valiant effort to make things easier on you, the reader, I'll give it an arduous attempt:

"PPP" is a touring art installation featuring a village of tipis made from industrial waste materials and renewable resources.

Forgive me for such a superfluous introduction. Sometimes it's easier to break the ice by preparing for the worst. And then pleasantly surprise yourself by exceeding your expectations. That said, I'd like to expand upon my previous definition of PPP. I'll do this quickly with a numbered list, which somehow promotes easy digestion of information.

PPP is also:

1. a 2009 summer tour, taking place over the course of 8 or so weeks, give or take a month.
2. which is stopping in nearly 20 public outdoor locations across the US (and maybe Canada).
3. facilitated by a bus soon to be converted to operate on waste vegetable oil.
4. and operated by a crew of (approximately) 7 members, with room for short-term guests.
5. going to national parks and rural villages.
6. and a city near you. (itinerary posted soon.)

PPP has a mission, which is multi-faceted and family friendly! Elaboration:

1. we are a group of environmentally concerned artists, seeking sustainability and community stability. Which means we are committed to collaboration and cooperation. we hope to use our tour as an instrument for social outreach, uniting individuals and creating a sense of community through our programming. Which includes: (besides playtime)

1. artist talks about reclaimed materials in the arts and collaborative practices.
2. DIY workshops at the tipi sites, hosted by local green organizations.
3. "food not bombs" sponsored meals, available to anyone
4. tours of the bus.

all of which are

5. free and open to the public.

So. I feel like I may have left some gaps. If I've left you curious, or just plain perplexed by my inability to deliver an efficient explanation of this project, please let me know. Or if you feel excited and invigorated and are exploding with the vibrations of possibility, please say so. In other words, we're looking for opinions and ideas, and invite your suggestions...currently seeking art spaces to host our event, connections in cities where we don't have connections, interesting green spaces, things, stuff, funding and a lot of high-fives.

And for you my friend, a extra high high-five.

next post: the tentative list of tour stops. and gos.

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